Below is the original image after coming out of Lightroom where just the basic sliders were adjusted.
The tree image above was taken in Florida and there was absolutely nothing that great about it. Thought I would show the before and after applying the filter to the images to give a feel for what these brushes can do. Lots of ParticleShop info is on YouTube about how to use this plug-in, so this blog is just a quick introduction. This week I am going to do a quick post on the Corel ParticleShop plug-in for Photoshop. For information on using ParticleShop as an external editor, see External Editor preferences in the Corel AfterShot Help.INTRO TO COREL PARTICLESHOP BRUSHES FOR PHOTOSHOP In Corel AfterShot, click Edit > Edit with.Right-click the image, click Edit In > ParticleShop. In Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, click Develop.In CorelDRAW, select a bitmap, and click Bitmaps > Plug-ins > Painter > ParticleShop.In Corel PHOTO-PAINT, click Effects > Painter > ParticleShop.